No one can control our age, it is inevitable.


“That’s the trouble with you young people. You think because you ain’t been here long, you know everything. In my life I already forgot more than you ever know.” [  Neil Gaiman ]

untitled-12.jpgBut this one I find it agreeable – you are only old as you feel. And old age is a state of mind.




Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it don’t matter.               [ Satchel Paige ] 


Study finds that believing you are younger than you actually are is the key to a long life. Don’t instill in your mind that you will be frail when you get old. Instead, choose to be positive, thinking that enjoying life to the fullest can keep you young. To feel old is just a state of mind. And to feel good about your life should be an important aspect of healthy aging. There are a lot of smart choices to keep your body tuned up and your mind tuned in… from eating the right food, finding the best exercise, and engage in activities where you can still socialize to keep you on the move and perk up an aging brain. Choose to age well.

“It’s [old age] not a surprise, we knew it was coming – make the most of it. So you may not be as fast on your feet, and the image in your mirror may be a little disappointing, but if you are still functioning and not in pain, gratitude should be the name of the game.” [ Betty White ]



THE BEST people are the good old wrinkled people with a sparkle in their eye, a wink when you walk by or a toothless smile saying you are doing just fine …” [ Robert Wesley Miller ]
